Friday, December 16, 2011

It's a Wonderful LIfe

Do we have any property rights left in this country? What happened to justice? Our family has been in a foreclosure battle since 2009 with Wells Fargo and HSBC Bank over fraudulent loan documents and deceptive bank practices (robbery). We are about to be evicted from our farm of 30 years, and before this fight started we had never missed a mortgage in thirty years. Now, our credit is ruined, our farm is about to be taken from us, for what? So these lenders who refuse to give hard working people loan modifications or worse, walk them into loan modifications with promises and lies, telling them to be three months behind before they can get one, while at the same time starting the foreclosure process, and then arrogantly turning around after they evict stable families and cause instability, emotional and mental harm that does not go away, and selling that same property for a third of its value just to "clean up their books". We went to court, we fought, we have attorneys and judges who could care less about homeowners, all they want to do is push things through and close the case. Because of this, I lose a lifetime home and my income producing farm. Now, even though I have proof of the fraud, I am being told by my attorneys to pack my things and move right before Christmas. My proof of the fraud does not help me, I'm still in default, even though the bank caused it. Even worse, we had the ability to keep paying on our mortgage, although we were struggling we were not behind until the bank told us to be behind in order to qualify for a loan modification. We sent documents to them for over nine months, they always lost them or said they needed something they never asked for. Why is our government allowing this to happen? why must I lose my farm and spend thousands of dollars to get compensated for their errors, and never have the chance to reclaim my farm again? All of our blood, sweat and tears for thirty years gone for what, so a lender can clean up its fraudulent books? My eviction is imminent. We can't move thirty years of bees, apiary equipment, livestock, house, kids in three days. We could not move it all in a month. We asked about bankruptcy to protect the farm, can't do that either, attorneys say, can't file an appeal, can't file another complaint, can't do anything, because we have no rights in this country any more. We don't have the right to protect our property from foreclosure and fraudulent lenders. We don't have the right to representation in court because it costs to much money. If we stand our ground the police will come in and someone will get hurt. Lenders know this, they exploit it and  know they will win. I hope all of you lenders out there that make the foreclosure process happen, loss mitigation departments and all of you that think this is just business as usual have a Wonderful Life, and that you can go home and sleep at night. Your decisions have caused more anguish and heartbreak to the American people than any other tragedy I can think of. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful Life.

Donna Fasi
Sweetwater Herb Farm
3856 Sweetwater Road
Gypsum, CO 81637

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